
Postdoctoral Fellows

Radiative transfer, X-ray polarimetry, neutron stars
Graduate Students

Stellar evolution with axions: especially the cooling of white dwarfs

Studying black holes with novel new X-ray timing techniques

Finding White Dwarfs in Open Clusters

Carbon Stars as Standard Candles

Resonant tidal interactions in neutron-star binary inspirals
Doctoral Alumni

QED and X-ray polarization from neutron stars and black holes
White dwarfs, brown dwarfs, X-ray polarization from neutron stars and black holes

Astrophysical plasmas near strongly magnetized compact objects

White dwarf populations in globular clusters

Aspects of magnetic fields in the late stages of stellar evolution
Masters Alumni
- Golam Dastegir Al-Quaderi: Implications of two-flavour colour superconductivity on compact star physics
- Ryan Goldsbury: An analysis of stellar populations in globular clusters with Harvey Richer
- Christopher Mann: A multi-mass velocity dispersion model of 47 Tucanae : no evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole
- Javiera Parada: Radial distributions of various stellar populations and the evolution of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
- Samara Pillay: Accreting white dwarfs : a theoretical analysis of nuclear burning with Jaymie Matthews
- Raminder Samra: Three dimensional velocity tomography in the core of Messier 71
- Anand Thirumalai: Hydrogen and helium atoms in strong magnetic fields
Undergraduate Alumni
Asha Asvathaman
Alistair Barton
Van Bettauer
Helen Du
Ronald Gagne
Flora Ge
Ramandeep Gill
Rachel Gledhill
Steffani Grondin
Magnus Haw
Amber Hollinger
Ronan Kerr
Derek MacKay
Chris Mann
Mark McAnerin
Alysa Obertas
James Hegarty O’Dowd
Conor Omand
Matthew Penrice
Chenruo (John) Qi
Katie Rink
Maryum Sayeed
Ryan Shannon
Sarah Thiele
Hong Tsui
Chenoa van den Boogaard
Matthew Willet
Melody Wong
Bi Cheng Wu
Mona Zhao