4 February 2025
- arXiv:2502.00080 [pdf, html, other]
- Pulsar timing and polarimetry: results and perspectives
- arXiv:2502.00231 [pdf, html, other]
- CCAT: Multi-Rate DSP for Sub-mm Astronomy: Polyphase Synthesis Filter Bank on FPGA for Enhanced MKID Readout
- arXiv:2502.01285 [pdf, other]
- Testing the mass-radius relation of white dwarfs in common proper motion pairs I.Hydrogen-dominated atmospheres
3 February 2025
- arXiv:2501.18647 [pdf, html, other]
- Magnetic field evolution of X-ray emitting radio-quiet pulsars
- arXiv:2501.18676 [pdf, other]
- Novel Scalings of Neutron Star Properties from Analyzing Dimensionless Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff Equations
- arXiv:2501.18763 [pdf, html, other]
- Carbon Stars From Gaia DR3 and the Space Density of Dwarf Carbon Stars
31 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.17935 [pdf, html, other]
- Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 across a state transition
- arXiv:2501.18338 [pdf, html, other]
- Subtle and Spectacular: Diverse White Dwarf Debris Disks Revealed by JWST
- arXiv:2501.18544 [pdf, html, other]
- Universal description of the Neutron Star’s surface and its key global properties: A Machine Learning Approach for nonrotating and rapidly rotating stellar models
30 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.17220 [pdf, html, other] The initial-to-final mass relation of white dwarfs in intermediate-separation binaries
- arXiv:2501.17225 [pdf, other] Tidal tails of nearby open clusters I. Mapping with Gaia DR3
- arXiv:2501.17253 [pdf, html, other] r-Process Nucleosynthesis and Radioactively Powered Transients from Magnetar Giant Flares
- arXiv:2501.17341 [pdf, html, other] The collisionless hydrodynamics: On the nonexistence of collisionless shocks
29 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.16438 [pdf, other] The Formation of Globular Clusters
- arXiv:2501.16648 [pdf, html, other] Three Brown Dwarfs Masquerading as High-Redshift Galaxies in JWST Observations
28 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.14867 [pdf, html, other] Modeling APOKASC-3 red giants: I. The first dredge-up and red giant branch bump
- arXiv:2501.15366 [pdf, html, other] Observations of the X-ray Millihertz Quasiperiodic Oscillations in Hercules X-1
- arXiv:2501.15537 [pdf, html, other] Discovery of a new phase-transient cyclotron line in A0535+26: Constraints on the accretion geometry
- arXiv:2501.15902 [pdf, html, other] Precession for the mode change in a gamma-ray pulsar
- arXiv:2501.15918 [pdf, html, other] Evolution of neutron stars in wide eccentric low-mass binary systems
- arXiv:2501.16021 [pdf, html, other] The prototype double-faced white dwarf has a thin hydrogen layer across its entire surface
- arXiv:2501.16252 [pdf, html, other] Stability and convergence of nuclear detonations in white dwarf collisions
- arXiv:2501.16324 [pdf, html, other] Type I X-ray Bursts Reflected During the X-ray Eclipses of EXO 0748-676
27 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.14025 [pdf, html, other] Cataclysmic Variables in Triples: Formation Models and New Discoveries
- arXiv:2501.14100 [pdf, html, other] JWST 1.5 {\mu}m and 4.8 {\mu}m Photometry of Y Dwarfs
- arXiv:2501.14109 [pdf, html, other] Electromagnetic Follow-up to Gravitational Wave Events with the UltraViolet EXplorer (UVEX)
- arXiv:2501.14215 [pdf, html, other] The disrupting and growing open cluster spiral arm patterns of the Milky Way
- arXiv:2501.14247 [pdf, html, other] A flaring radio counterpart to a fast radio burst reveals a newborn magnetized engine
- arXiv:2501.14272 [pdf, html, other] Spectral properties of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53, XTE J1739-285 and MAXI J1816-195
- arXiv:2501.14324 [pdf, html, other] Revealing two orthogonally polarized spectral components in Vela X-1 with IXPE
- arXiv:2501.14494 [pdf, html, other] Identification of 30,000 White Dwarf-Main Sequence binaries candidates from Gaia DR3 BP/RP(XP) low-resolution spectra
- arXiv:2501.14618 [pdf, html, other] Extracting the X-ray reverberation response functions from the AGN light curves using an autoencoder
24 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.13163 [pdf, html, other] Spectro-temporal Investigation of Quasi-periodic Oscillations From Black Hole X-ray Binary 4U 1630-472 Using NICER
- arXiv:2501.13661 [pdf, html, other] Discovery of the richest pulsating ultra-massive white dwarf
- arXiv:2501.13929 [pdf, html, other] Testing tidal theory using Gaia binaries: the red giant branch
23 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.12719 [pdf, html, other] IXPE observations of supernova remnants
- arXiv:2501.12757 [pdf, html, other] Large discrepancies in error estimates for reverberation times derived from light curves of active galactic nuclei
- arXiv:2501.12781 [pdf, other] The TES-based Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector of ATHENA X-IFU: Validation of the thermal end-to-end simulator towards the updated Demonstration Model (DM 1.1)
- arXiv:2501.12788 [pdf, html, other] X-ray reverberation black hole mass and distance estimates of Cygnus X-1
- arXiv:2501.12977 [pdf, html, other] DASCH: Bringing 100+ Years of Photographic Data into the 21st Century and Beyond
- arXiv:2501.12970 [pdf, other] The AGILE space mission: an Italian success story and its legacy for future space astronomy
- arXiv:2501.12440 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] Pulse and Polarization Structures in Axion-Converted X-rays from Pulsars
22 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.10488 [pdf, html, other] Searching for substellar companion candidates with Gaia. III. Search for companions to members of young associations
- arXiv:2501.10528 [pdf, html, other] A highly magnetized long-period radio transient exhibiting unusual emission features
- arXiv:2501.10771 [pdf, html, other] The outer gravitational potential of an inhomogeneous torus with an elliptical cross-section
- arXiv:2501.10999 [pdf, html, other] A new X-ray census of rotation powered pulsars
- arXiv:2501.11118 [pdf, html, other] X-ray timing and spectral characteristics of compact symmetric objects
- arXiv:2501.11475 [pdf, html, other] Long-term evolution of Sco X-1: implications for the current spin frequency and ellipticity of the neutron star
- arXiv:2501.11865 [pdf, html, other] A White Dwarf Binary Candidate Discovered by LAMOST Using Dynamical Method
- arXiv:2501.12143 [pdf, html, other] X-ray emission from isolated neutron stars: latest results from XMM-Newton, NICER and eROSITA
- arXiv:2501.12190 [pdf, html, other] Modelling polarized X-ray pulses from accreting millisecond pulsars with X-PSI, using different surface patterns
- arXiv:2501.11080 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] Below the Schwinger critical magnetic field value, quantum vacuum and gamma-ray bursts delay (not good but bad)
20 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.09834 [pdf, html, other] Observation of discontinuities in the periodic modulation of PSR B1828-11
- arXiv:2501.09894 [pdf, html, other] Intensity Interferometer Results on Sirius with 0.25 m Telescopes
- arXiv:2501.10070 [pdf, html, other] JWST Imaging of the Closest Globular Clusters — V. The White Dwarfs Cooling Sequence of M4
17 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.09072 [pdf, other] Genesis of the James Webb Space Telescope Architecture: The Designers’ Story
- arXiv:2501.09133 [pdf, html, other] The emission of interpulses by a 6.45-hour period coherent radio transient
- arXiv:2501.09181 [pdf, html, other] Direct evidence for r-process nucleosynthesis in delayed MeV emission from the SGR 1806-20 magnetar giant flare
- arXiv:2501.09488 [pdf, html, other] Mining the time axis with TRON. I. Millisecond pulsars in Omega Centauri, Terzan 5 and 47 Tucanae detected through MeerKAT interferometric imaging
- arXiv:2501.09526 [pdf, html, other] Populations of Neutron Star Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: Mind your b’s and B’s
16 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.08548 [pdf, html, other] LAMOST medium-resolution spectroscopic survey of Galactic Open Clusters (LAMOST-MRS-O): An overview of survey plan and preliminary results
- arXiv:2501.08831 [pdf, html, other] The post-gas expulsion coalescence of embedded clusters as an origin of open clusters
- arXiv:2501.09003 [pdf, html, other] Searching for new variable white dwarfs: The discovery of the three new pulsating and three new binary systems
15 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.08135 [pdf, html, other] Exploring Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters with Euclid: A Theoretical Overview and Insights from NGC 6397
- arXiv:2501.07603 (cross-list from physics.ins-det) [pdf, html, other] Characterization of Multiple Channels Room Temperature Readout Electronics for Large Transition-Edge Sensor Array
14 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.06498 [pdf, html, other] Study Self-lensing/Eclipsing Signals in Edge-on Double White-Dwarf Systems
- arXiv:2501.06613 [pdf, html, other] Long-lived Habitable Zones around White Dwarfs undergoing Neon-22 Distillation
- arXiv:2501.07347 [pdf, html, other] A multi-wavelength view of the isolated neutron star eRASSU J065715.3+260428
- arXiv:2501.07577 [pdf, html, other] The Guitar’s Magnetic Field Revealed by Starlight Polarization
- arXiv:2501.07184 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, html, other] The I-Love universal relation for polytropic stars under Newtonian gravity
13 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.05509 [pdf, html, other] PSR J1947-1120: A New Huntsman Millisecond Pulsar Binary
- arXiv:2501.05511 [pdf, html, other] X-ray Dips and Polarization Angle Swings in GX 13+1
- arXiv:2501.05649 [pdf, html, other] The Emerging Class of Double-Faced White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2501.05679 [pdf, html, other] A new algorithm for detecting X-ray shots in Cyg X-1
- arXiv:2501.06037 [pdf, html, other] Ultraluminous X-ray sources in Globular Clusters
10 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.04748 [pdf, html, other] An original classification of obscuration-free telescopes designs unfolded in two dimensions
- arXiv:2501.04968 [pdf, html, other] Gravitational waves from r-mode oscillations of stochastically accreting neutron stars
- arXiv:2501.05154 [pdf, html, other] Detection of binary companions below the diffraction limit with lucky imaging
9 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.04075 [pdf, html, other] Milky Way dynamics in light of Gaia
- arXiv:2501.04095 [pdf, html, other] The angular momentum spiral of the Milky Way disc in Gaia
- arXiv:2501.04446 [pdf, html, other] JWST photometry and astrometry of 47 Tucanae. Discontinuity in the stellar sequence at the star/brown dwarf transition
- arXiv:2501.04497 [pdf, html, other] Searching the non-accreting white dwarf population in eROSITA data
8 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.03242 [pdf, html, other] The Variable X-ray Emission of the Cataclysmic Variable V1460 Her with a Rapidly Rotating White Dwarf
- arXiv:2501.03309 [pdf, html, other] Little Red Dots are Tidal Disruption Events in Runaway-Collapsing Clusters
- arXiv:2501.03633 [pdf, html, other] The impact of mass uncertainties on the r-process nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers
- arXiv:2501.03804 [pdf, html, other] Dimming GRS 1915+105 observed with NICER and Insight–HXMT
7 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.02050 [pdf, html, other] Sporadic Dips from Extended Debris Transiting the Metal-Rich White Dwarf SBSS 1232+563
- arXiv:2501.02160 [pdf, html, other] The Lack of RR Lyrae Variables in Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxy Sextans II
- arXiv:2501.02587 [pdf, html, other] Distributions of wide binary stars in theory and in Gaia data: I. Generalized Ambartsumian (1937) approach and the family of power-law distributions of eccentricity
- arXiv:2501.02835 [pdf, other] Polarimetric Study of GRS 1915+105: Estimation of Interstellar Polarization Component
- arXiv:2501.02887 [pdf, html, other] Revealing the internal magnetic field configuration of magnetars via their associated periodic signals
- arXiv:2501.03100 [pdf, other] The NewAthena mission concept in the context of the next decade of X-ray astronomy
- arXiv:2501.03214 [pdf, other] Superhabitable Planets Around Mid-Type K Dwarf Stars Enhance Simulated JWST Observability and Surface Habitability
6 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.01442 [pdf, html, other] Stellar Physics and General Relativity
- arXiv:2501.01488 [pdf, html, other] Line detections in photospheric radius expansion bursts from 4U 1820-303
- arXiv:2501.01490 [pdf, html, other] A Link Between White Dwarf Pulsars and Polars: Multiwavelength Observations of the 9.36-Minute Period Variable Gaia22ayj
- arXiv:2501.01495 [pdf, html, other] Search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in the first part of the fourth LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run
- arXiv:2501.01581 [pdf, html, other] Millihertz Oscillations Near the Innermost Orbit of a Supermassive Black Hole
- arXiv:2501.01862 [pdf, html, other] Glitches and glitching clusters in rotation-powered pulsars
- arXiv:2501.01907 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] QCD Phase Diagram and Astrophysical Implications
3 January 2025
- arXiv:2501.00089 [pdf, html, other] Insights on Galaxy Evolution from Interpretable Sparse Feature Networks
- arXiv:2501.00181 [pdf, other] Electromotive field in space and astrophysical plasmas
- arXiv:2501.00239 [pdf, html, other] On the Duration of Gamma-Ray Bursts
- arXiv:2501.00979 [pdf, html, other] The Role of Electric Dominance for Particle Injection in Relativistic Reconnection
- arXiv:2501.01171 [pdf, html, other] LAMOST J101356.33+272410.7: A Detached White Dwarf-Main-sequence Binary with a Massive White Dwarf Within the Period Gap
31 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.19941 [pdf, html, other] Ten (or more!) reasons to register your software with the Astrophysics Source Code Library
- arXiv:2412.20986 [pdf, html, other] Resolving Pleiades binary stars with Gaia and speckle interferometric observations
- arXiv:2412.19890 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] Disentangling axion-like particle couplings to nucleons via a delayed signal in Super-Kamiokande from a future supernova
- arXiv:2412.21163 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] Probing Heavy Axion-like Particles from Massive Stars with X-rays and Gamma Rays
30 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.18681 [pdf, html, other] Gamma-ray bursts: what do we know today that we did not know 10 years ago?
- arXiv:2412.18821 [pdf, other] Quantifying the memory and dynamical stability of magnetar bursts
- arXiv:2412.19204 [pdf, html, other] Open cluster dissolution rate and the initial cluster mass function in the solar neighbourhood. Modelling the age and mass distributions of clusters observed by Gaia
- arXiv:2412.19233 [pdf, html, other] An attempt to study axion-photon coupling using compact binary systems with high Shapiro time delay
- arXiv:2412.19358 [pdf, html, other] Quasi-steady emission from repeating fast radio bursts can be explained by magnetar wind nebula
25 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.17869 [pdf, other] Why do galaxies have extended flat rotation curves?
- arXiv:2412.18546 [pdf, other] The massive fast spinning white dwarf in the HD 49798/RX J0648.0-4418 binary
24 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.16280 [pdf, html, other] Electrodynamics and dissipation in the binary magnetosphere of pre-merger neutron stars
- arXiv:2412.16344 [pdf, html, other] Focal Plane of the Arcus Probe X-Ray Spectrograph
- arXiv:2412.17214 [pdf, html, other] Astronomical X-ray Polarimetry as a diagnostic for questions of fundamental Physics. What we learned from the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
- arXiv:2412.17275 [pdf, html, other] X-Ray Views of Galactic Accreting Pulsars in High-Mass X-Ray Binaries
- arXiv:2412.17766 [pdf, html, other] Glitch-induced pulse profile change of PSR J0742-2822 observed from the IAR
23 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.15334 [pdf, html, other] Supermassive black hole growth in hierarchically merging nuclear star clusters
- arXiv:2412.15506 [pdf, html, other] Optical QPOs with 550 day periodicity in the reverberation mapped broad line quasar PG 1411+442
- arXiv:2412.15521 [pdf, html, other] Challenges in Forming Millisecond Pulsar-Black Holes from Isolated Binaries
- arXiv:2412.15770 [pdf, html, other] Influence of a continuous plane gravitational wave on Gaia-like astrometry
- arXiv:2412.15811 [pdf, html, other] IXPE detection of highly polarized X-rays from the magnetar 1E 1841-045
- arXiv:2412.15955 [pdf, html, other] Continuous evolution of the polarization properties in the transient X-ray pulsar RX J0440.9+4431/LS V +44 17
- arXiv:2412.15984 [pdf, html, other] Three new hot hydrogen-deficient pre-white dwarfs
- arXiv:2412.16036 [pdf, html, other] X-ray polarization of the magnetar 1E 1841-045 in outburst
20 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.14331 [pdf, other] Detection of the Temperature Dependence of the White Dwarf Mass-Radius Relation with Gravitational Redshifts
- arXiv:2412.14645 [pdf, html, other] Correlations Between the Neutron Star Mass-Radius Relation and the Equation of State of Dense Matter
- arXiv:2412.14844 [pdf, html, other] Astrometry-Only Detection of Microlensing Events with Gaia
- arXiv:2412.14884 [pdf, html, other] Optimal design of interpolation methods for time-delay interferometry
- arXiv:2412.15153 [pdf, html, other] Cyclotron emitting magnetic white dwarfs in post common envelope binaries discovered with the Zwicky Transient Facility
- arXiv:2412.14358 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, html, other] The impact of the eccentricity on the collapse of an ellipsoid into a black hole
- arXiv:2412.14831 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, html, other] Tidal Love numbers and quasi-normal modes of the Schwarzschild-Hernquist black hole
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19 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.13257 [pdf, html, other] Accurate absolute photometric calibration by fitting the system transmission
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18 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.12283 [pdf, html, other] Uncovering Correlations and Biases in Parameter Inference from Neutron-Star Pulse Profile Modeling
- arXiv:2412.12284 [pdf, html, other] A Counterintuitive Correlation Between Neutron-Star Radii Inferred from Pulse Modeling and Surface Emission Beaming
- arXiv:2412.12286 [pdf, html, other] Searching for axion-like particles with SPHEREx
- arXiv:2412.12375 [pdf, html, other] A second candidate magnetic helium core white dwarf and 3 other variable white dwarfs in the globular cluster NGC 6397
- arXiv:2412.13039 [pdf, other] Evolution and final fates of low- and intermediate-mass stars
- arXiv:2412.13154 [pdf, html, other] Gaia vbroad. Spectral-line Broadening, and binarity
- arXiv:2412.13189 [pdf, html, other] Binary properties of the globular cluster 47 Tuc (NGC 104). A dearth of short-period binaries
17 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.10468 [pdf, html, other] Is your stochastic signal really detectable?
- arXiv:2412.11271 [pdf, html, other] Timing of Seven Isolated Pulsars in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1
- arXiv:2412.11721 [pdf, html, other] Infrared properties of Planetary Nebulae with PG1159 central stars
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16 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.10158 [pdf, html, other] 3D projection analysis: characterizing the morphological stability of nearby open clusters
- arXiv:2412.10169 [pdf, html, other] Recovering Pulsar Braking Index from a Population of Millisecond Pulsars
- arXiv:2412.10232 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] QCD Axion Dark Matter from level crossing with refined adiabatic condition
13 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.08715 [pdf, other] On the Use of Letters of Recommendation in Astronomy and Astrophysics Graduate Admissions
- arXiv:2412.08766 [pdf, html, other] What do we learn by mapping dark energy to a single value of w?
- arXiv:2412.08809 [pdf, html, other] DAmodel: Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of DA White Dwarfs for Spectrophotometric Calibration
- arXiv:2412.09167 [pdf, html, other] Constraining Schwarzschild Models with Orbit Classifications
- arXiv:2412.09489 [pdf, html, other] A Comparative Test of the LCDM and R_h=ct Cosmologies Based on Upcoming Redshift Drift Measurements
- arXiv:2412.09219 (cross-list from nucl-th) [pdf, html, other] Exploring nuclear force with pulsar glitch observation
12 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.07840 [pdf, html, other] Reassessing the Cepheid-based distance ladder: implications for the Hubble constant
- arXiv:2412.07846 [pdf, html, other] Connecting GRBs from Binary Neutron Star Mergers to Nuclear Properties of Neutron Stars
- arXiv:2412.07863 [pdf, html, other] Accretion onto WD 2226−210, the central star of the Helix Nebula
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- arXiv:2412.08055 [pdf, html, other] PSR J1922+37: a 1.9-second pulsar discovered in the direction of the old open cluster NGC 6791
- arXiv:2412.08280 [pdf, html, other] The supermassive black hole population from seeding via collisions in Nuclear Star Clusters
11 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.06885 [pdf, html, other] The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Insights on Maximizing Efficiency in Lag Measurements and Black-Hole Masses
- arXiv:2412.06903 [pdf, html, other] Time to Sparkler. Accurate ages of lensed globular clusters at z=1.4 with JWST photometry
- arXiv:2412.06905 [pdf, html, other] Dazzle: Oversampled Image Reconstruction and Difference-Imaging Photometry for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
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- arXiv:2412.07580 [pdf, html, other] M dwarfs quasi-periodic pulsations at a time resolution of 1 s
- arXiv:2412.07647 [pdf, html, other] Simultaneous emission from dust and gas in the planetary debris orbiting a white dwarf
- arXiv:2412.07758 (cross-list from nucl-th) [pdf, html, other] Fastest spinning millisecond pulsars: indicators for quark matter in neutron stars?
10 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.05338 [pdf, html, other] Faint Radio Signals from Very High-Frequency Gravitational Waves in the Strong Astrophysical Magnetic Field
- arXiv:2412.05376 [pdf, html, other] Binary and Grouped Open Clusters: A New Catalogue
- arXiv:2412.05400 [pdf, html, other] Constraining the origin of magnetic white dwarfs
- arXiv:2412.05452 [pdf, html, other] Pulse Profile Variability of PSR J1022+1001 in NANOGrav Data
- arXiv:2412.05524 [pdf, html, other] The birth mass function of neutron stars
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- arXiv:2412.06516 [pdf, html, other] White Dwarf Stars in the Big Data Era
- arXiv:2412.05923 (cross-list from nucl-th) [pdf, html, other] Implications of latest NICER data for the neutron star equation of state
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9 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.04583 [pdf, html, other] A substellar flyby that shaped the orbits of the giant planets
- arXiv:2412.04597 [pdf, html, other] New Ultracool Companions to Nearby White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2412.04611 [pdf, html, other] The 100 pc White Dwarf Sample in the SDSS Footprint II. A New Look at the Spectral Evolution of White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2412.05033 [pdf, html, other] Open Cluster Study Using Gaia I:Membership and Cluster Properties
- arXiv:2412.05193 [pdf, html, other] X-ray/Radio Quasi-periodic Pulsations Associated with Plasmoids in Solar Flare Current Sheets
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- arXiv:2412.05020 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, html, other] Differential age observations and their constraining power in cosmology
6 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.03870 [pdf, html, other] Isolated neutron stars as Science Validation for XMM2ATHENA: Ensuring robust data for future X-ray Astronomy
- arXiv:2412.03900 [pdf, html, other] Search for transient gamma-ray emission from magnetar flares using Fermi-LAT
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- arXiv:2412.03652 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] Blue Loops, Cepheids, and Forays into Axions
5 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.02744 [pdf, html, other] The Variable Sources in the Gaia archive
- arXiv:2412.02756 [pdf, html, other] Nucleosynthesis Conditions in Outflows of White Dwarfs Collapsing to Neutron Stars
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- arXiv:2412.03262 [pdf, html, other] Difficulties of two exploding white dwarfs to account for type Ia supernovae with bimodal nebular emission profiles
- arXiv:2412.02455 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, html, other] Orbits of Massive Particles in a Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Field in View of Cosmological Constant
4 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.01878 [pdf, html, other] The Origins of Lithium Enhancement in Polluted White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2412.01879 [pdf, html, other] A dry Venusian interior constrained by atmospheric chemistry
- arXiv:2412.01904 [pdf, html, other] Advancing Black Hole Imaging with Space-Based Interferometry
- arXiv:2412.02307 [pdf, html, other] Synthetic pulsar lightcurves from global kinetic simulations and comparison with the Fermi-LAT catalog
- arXiv:2412.02543 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, html, other] Bounds on Axions-Like Particles Shining in the Ultra-Violet
3 December 2024
- arXiv:2412.00159 [pdf, other] Four years of wide-field search for nanosecond optical transients with the TAIGA-HiSCORE Cherenkov array
- arXiv:2412.01148 [pdf, html, other] The MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array: The 4.5-year data release and the noise and stochastic signals of the millisecond pulsar population
- arXiv:2412.01214 [pdf, html, other] The MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array: Maps of the gravitational-wave sky with the 4.5 year data release
- arXiv:2412.01432 [pdf, html, other] Pollution versus diffusion: Abundance patterns of blue horizontal branch stars in globular clusters NGC6388, NGC6397, and NGC6752
- arXiv:2412.01776 [pdf, html, other] Modeling High Mass X-ray Binaries to Double Neutron Stars through Common Envelope Evolution
- arXiv:2412.01582 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, html, other] Emission and detection of ultra high frequency gravitational waves from highly eccentric orbits of compact binary systems
2 December 2024
- arXiv:2411.18647 [pdf, html, other] Seeking the nearest neutron stars using a new local electron density map
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28 November 2024
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27 November 2024
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26 November 2024
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25 November 2024
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22 November 2024
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21 November 2024
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20 November 2024
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19 November 2024
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18 November 2024
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15 November 2024
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14 November 2024
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13 November 2024
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12 November 2024
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11 November 2024
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8 November 2024
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7 November 2024
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6 November 2024
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5 November 2024
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4 November 2024
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1 November 2024
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31 October 2024
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30 October 2024
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29 October 2024
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28 October 2024
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25 October 2024
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24 October 2024
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23 October 2024
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22 October 2024
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21 October 2024
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18 October 2024
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17 October 2024
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16 October 2024
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15 October 2024
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14 October 2024
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11 October 2024
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10 October 2024
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8 October 2024
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7 October 2024
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4 October 2024
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3 October 2024
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2 October 2024
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1 October 2024
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30 September 2024
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27 September 2024
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26 September 2024
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25 September 2024
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24 September 2024
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23 September 2024
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20 September 2024
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19 September 2024
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18 September 2024
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17 September 2024
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16 September 2024
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13 September 2024
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12 September 2024
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11 September 2024
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10 September 2024
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9 September 2024
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6 September 2024
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5 September 2024
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4 September 2024
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2 September 2024
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30 August 2024
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29 August 2024
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28 August 2024
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27 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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23 August 2024
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22 August 2024
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21 August 2024
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20 August 2024
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19 August 2024
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16 August 2024
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15 August 2024
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14 August 2024
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13 August 2024
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12 August 2024
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9 August 2024
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8 August 2024
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7 August 2024
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6 August 2024
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5 August 2024
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2 August 2024
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1 August 2024
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31 July 2024
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30 July 2024
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29 July 2024
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26 July 2024
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25 July 2024
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24 July 2024
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23 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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19 July 2024
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18 July 2024
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17 July 2024
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16 July 2024
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15 July 2024
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12 July 2024
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11 July 2024
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10 July 2024
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9 July 2024
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8 July 2024
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4 July 2024
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3 July 2024
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2 July 2024
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1 July 2024
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28 June 2024
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27 June 2024
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26 June 2024
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25 June 2024
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24 June 2024
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21 June 2024
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19 June 2024
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18 June 2024
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17 June 2024
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14 June 2024
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13 June 2024
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12 June 2024
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11 June 2024
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10 June 2024
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7 June 2024
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6 June 2024
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5 June 2024
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4 June 2024
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3 June 2024
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31 May 2024
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30 May 2024
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29 May 2024
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28 May 2024
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27 May 2024
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24 May 2024
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22 May 2024
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21 May 2024
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20 May 2024
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17 May 2024
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16 May 2024
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15 May 2024
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14 May 2024
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13 May 2024
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10 May 2024
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9 May 2024
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8 May 2024
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7 May 2024
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6 May 2024
- arXiv:2405.01631 [pdf, ps, other] JWST Imaging of the Closest Globular Clusters — I. Possible Infrared Excess Among White Dwarfs in NGC 6397
- arXiv:2405.01634 [pdf, other] JWST Imaging of the Closest Globular Clusters — II. Discovery of Brown Dwarfs in NGC 6397 and Measurement of Age from the Brown Dwarf Cooling Sequence, using SANDee – a New Grid of Model Isochrones across the Hydrogen-Burning Limit
- arXiv:2405.02017 [pdf, ps, other] Astrometric Accuracy of Positions
- arXiv:2405.02279 [pdf, other] How Rare are TESS Free-Floating Planets?
3 May 2024
- arXiv:2405.00769 [pdf, other] Simple fits for the neutrino luminosities from protoneutron star cooling
- arXiv:2405.00780 [pdf, other] No longer impossible: the self-lensing binary KIC 8145411 is a triple
- arXiv:2405.00836 [pdf, other] No νs is Good News
- arXiv:2405.01268 [pdf, other] The spectral evolution of white dwarfs: where do we stand?
- arXiv:2405.01340 [pdf, other] Improved source classification and performance analysis using Gaia DR3
- arXiv:2405.01456 [pdf, ps, other] The Digitization of Photographic Spectra in the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Plate Collection with Commercial Scanners: A Pilot Study
- arXiv:2403.10998 (cross-list from hep-ex) [pdf, other] Force metrology with plane parallel plates: Final design review and outlook
2 May 2024
- arXiv:2405.00020 [pdf, other] Technosignatures longevity and Lindy’s law
- arXiv:2405.00089 [pdf, other] A population of neutron star candidates in wide orbits from Gaia astrometry
- arXiv:2405.00090 [pdf, other] Can the QCD axion feed a dark energy component?
- arXiv:2405.00153 [pdf, other] Supernova limits on ‘QCD axion-like particles’
- arXiv:2405.00296 [pdf, other] Migration of Accreting Planets and Black Holes in Disks
- arXiv:2405.00509 [pdf, other] Polarization Perspectives on Hercules X-1: Further Constraining the Geometry
1 May 2024
- arXiv:2404.18983 [pdf, other] Evidence for Plasmoid-mediated Magnetic Reconnection during a Small-scale Flare in the Partially Ionized Low Solar Atmosphere
- arXiv:2404.18997 [pdf, other] Planet Hunters TESS V: a planetary system around a binary star, including a mini-Neptune in the habitable zone
- arXiv:2404.19012 [pdf, other] Neutron stars and the cosmological constant problem
- arXiv:2404.19017 [pdf, other] SN 1054 as a Pulsar-Driven Supernova: Implications for the Crab Pulsar and Remnant Evolution
- arXiv:2404.19323 [pdf, other] Energy dependence of Quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting X-ray pulsars
- arXiv:2404.19390 [pdf, other] EL meteorites do date the giant planet instability
- arXiv:2404.19601 [pdf, other] Recovery of the X-ray polarization of Swift J1727.8$-$1613 after the soft to hard spectral transition
30 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.17647 [pdf, other] A three-parameter characterization of neutron stars’ mass-radius relation and equation of state
- arXiv:2404.17938 [pdf, other] The time evolution of fast flavor crossings in post-merger disks around a black hole remnant
- arXiv:2404.18158 [pdf, other] Discovery of the first anti-glitch event in the rotation-powered pulsar PSR B0540-69
- arXiv:2404.18507 [pdf, other] Towards Image Synthesis with Photon Counting Stellar Intensity Interferometry
- arXiv:2404.18606 [pdf, other] Interference with (Pseudo) Thermal Light; The Hanbury Brown and Twiss Effect
29 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.16929 [pdf, other] The Renormalization Group for Large-Scale Structure: Origin of Galaxy Stochasticity
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- arXiv:2404.17160 [pdf, other] Discovery of evolving low-frequency QPOs in hard X-rays (∼100 keV) observed in black hole Swift J1727.8-1613 with AstroSat
- arXiv:2404.17311 [pdf, other] Energy Recovery System for Large Telescopes
- arXiv:2404.17549 [pdf, other] Probing the Propeller Regime with Symbiotic X-ray Binaries
26 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.16102 [pdf, ps, other] A Cepheid systematics-free test of $H_0$ to $\lesssim2.5\%$ accuracy using SH0ES photometry
- arXiv:2404.16170 [pdf, other] Swift X-Ray and UV Observations of six Gaia Binaries supposedly containing a Neutron Star
- arXiv:2404.16263 [pdf, other] New Timing Results of MSPs from NICER Observations
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25 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.15405 [pdf, ps, other] Photometry of Saturated Stars with Machine Learning
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- arXiv:2404.15504 [pdf, other] Simultaneous Chandra and HST observations of the quiescent neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries in 47 Tucanae
- arXiv:2404.15870 [pdf, other] Scattering Cross Sections of Magnetized Particles within Intense Electromagnetic Waves: Application to Fast Radio Bursts
24 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.14474 [pdf, other] Finding the unusual red giant remnants of cataclysmic variable mergers
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- arXiv:2404.14722 [pdf, ps, other] On the X-ray efficiency of the white dwarf pulsar candidate ZTF J190132.9+145808.7
- arXiv:2404.14782 [pdf, other] Black hole-neutron star binaries
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- arXiv:2404.14476 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] Leading Axion-Photon Sensitivity with NuSTAR Observations of M82 and M87
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23 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.13115 [pdf, other] SED Analysis of the Old Open Cluster NGC 188
- arXiv:2404.13290 [pdf, other] Stacking X-ray Observations of “Little Red Dots”: Implications for their AGN Properties
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- arXiv:2404.13398 [pdf, other] Age analysis of extrasolar planets: Insight from stellar isochrone models
- arXiv:2404.13700 [pdf, other] A short review of the pulsar magnetic inclination angles (II)
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- arXiv:2404.13857 [pdf, ps, other] A short review on the pulsar magnetic inclination angles
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- arXiv:2404.14129 [pdf, other] Discovery of a long thermonuclear X-ray burst from the ultra-compact binary 4U 1850−087
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- arXiv:2404.14286 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other] Evidence for eccentricity in the population of binary black holes observed by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA
22 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.12482 [pdf, other] Probing the relationship between early star formation and CO in the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM with JWST
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- arXiv:2404.12517 (cross-list from hep-ex) [pdf, other] First results from the Axion Dark-Matter Birefringent Cavity (ADBC) experiment
19 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.11646 [pdf, other] IMBH Progenitors from Stellar Collisions in Dense Star Clusters
- arXiv:2404.11666 [pdf, other] Searching for Free-Floating Planets with TESS: I. Discovery of a First Terrestrial-Mass Candidate
- arXiv:2404.11676 [pdf, other] Supermassive black holes from runaway mergers and accretion in nuclear star clusters
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- arXiv:2404.12126 [pdf, other] Improving inference on neutron star properties using information from binary merger remnants
- arXiv:2404.12255 [pdf, other] Star-by-star dynamical evolution of the physical pair of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 open clusters
18 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.10785 [pdf, other] Investigation of Quasi-particle Relaxation in Strongly Disordered Superconductor Resonators
- arXiv:2404.10831 [pdf, other] Implantation of asteroids from the terrestrial planet region: The effect of the timing of the giant planet instability
- arXiv:2404.10872 [pdf, other] The Effect of Pulsar Geometry on the Observed Gamma-ray Spectrum of Millisecond Pulsars
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17 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.10019 [pdf, other] Can AI Understand Our Universe? Test of Fine-Tuning GPT by Astrophysical Data
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16 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.08730 [pdf, other] Emergence hour-by-hour of $r$-process features in the kilonova AT2017gfo
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- arXiv:2404.09825 [pdf, other] Mapping the anisotropic Galactic stellar halo with Blue Horizontal Branch stars
15 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.08038 [pdf, other] Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheids Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope Provide a New Anchor for the SH0ES Distance Ladder
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- arXiv:2404.08048 [pdf, other] The origin of the coherent radio flash potentially associated with GRB 201006A
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- arXiv:2404.08586 [pdf, other] A Radical Solution to the Hubble Tension Problem
12 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.07246 [pdf, other] Prospects of the multi-channel photometric survey telescope in the cosmological application of Type Ia supernovae
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- arXiv:2404.07332 [pdf, ps, other] Primordial Intermediate and Supermassive Black Hole formation during the electron-positron annihilation epoch
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11 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.07160 [pdf, other] Polluting White Dwarfs with Oort Cloud Comets
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- arXiv:2404.06864 [pdf, other] Hydrodynamic simulations of WD-WD mergers and the origin of RCB stars
- arXiv:2404.06845 [pdf, other] Probing the shape of the brown dwarf desert around main-sequence A-F-G-type stars using post-common-envelope WD−BD binaries
10 April 2024
9 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.05548 [pdf, other] Differential reddening in 48 globular clusters: An end to the quest for the intracluster medium
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- arXiv:2404.05371 [pdf, other] Constraints on the dense matter equation of state from young and cold isolated neutron stars
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- arXiv:2404.05135 [pdf, other] Searching for Magnetar Binaries Disrupted by Core-Collapse Supernovae
- arXiv:2404.04493 [pdf, other] Tracing the evolving X-ray reverberation lags within an individual AGN light curve
- arXiv:2404.04435 [pdf, ps, other] The Stellar Content of the Young Open Cluster Berkeley 50 (IC 1310)
- arXiv:2404.04422 [pdf, other] Long-term variability in debris transiting white dwarfs
8 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.03722 [pdf, other] oMEGACat II — Photometry and proper motions for 1.4 million stars in Omega Centauri and its rotation in the plane of the sky
5 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.03046 [pdf, other] Have any LISA verification binaries been found?
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4 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.02201 [pdf, other] Measuring White Dwarf Variability from Sparsely Sampled Gaia DR3 Multi-Epoch Photometry
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3 April 2024
- arXiv:2404.01731 [pdf, other] Compact Binary Formation in Open Star Clusters II: Difficulty of Gaia NS formation in low-mass star clusters
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2 April 2024
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1 April 2024
- arXiv:2403.19870 [pdf, other] Cosmic shadows of causation
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29 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.19170 [pdf, other] X-ray measurement of a high-mass white dwarf and its spin for the intermediate polar IGR J18434-0508
28 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.18076 [pdf, other] Magnetars as Powering Sources of Gamma-Ray Burst Associated Supernovae, and Unsupervised Clustering of Cosmic Explosions
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27 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.17048 [pdf, other] The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Ladder and the Hubble Constant
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26 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.15471 [pdf, other] High-cadence monitoring of the emission properties of magnetar XTE J1810-197 with the Stockert radio telescope
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25 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.14762 [pdf, other] The Flavor Composition of Supernova Neutrinos
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22 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.13888 [pdf, other] Mass-Radius relation for magnetized white dwarfs from SDSS
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21 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.12971 [pdf, ps, other] Stars: Evolution, Stability and Statistical Mechanics
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20 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.12137 [pdf, other] Discoveries and Timing of Pulsars in M62
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19 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.10865 [pdf, other] $H_0$-tension in the classical limit of Big Bang quantum cosmology
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18 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.09770 [pdf, other] Large Eddy Simulations of Magnetized Mergers of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
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15 March 2024
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14 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.07985 [pdf, other] The white dwarf binary pathways survey — X. Gaia orbits for known UV excess binaries
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13 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.07172 [pdf, other] To Be or not to Be: the role of rotation in modeling Galactic Be X-ray Binaries
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12 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.05936 [pdf, other] Flares during Eclipses of High Mass X-ray Binary Systems Vela X-1, 4U 1700-37, and LMC X-4
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11 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.04901 [pdf, other] PHANGS-HST catalogs for $\sim$100,000 star clusters and compact associations in 38 galaxies: I. Observed properties
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8 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.03966 [pdf, other] Seismic and acoustic signals from the 2014 ‘Interstellar Meteor’
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7 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.03839 [pdf, other] How open is the asteroid-mass primordial black hole window?
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6 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.02384 [pdf, other] Short-period pulsating hot-subdwarf stars observed by TESS II. Northern ecliptic hemisphere
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- arXiv:2403.02989 [pdf, other] Developments on frequency domain multiplexing readout for large arrays of transition-edge sensor X-ray micro-calorimeters
- arXiv:2403.03086 [pdf, other] An Empirical Calibration of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Method in the Near Infrared. I. HST WFC3/IR F110W and F160W Filters
- arXiv:2403.03098 [pdf, other] Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance: Misclassifications using machine learning tools
- arXiv:2403.03127 [pdf, other] 3D-NH-tool
- arXiv:2403.02638 (cross-list from hep-ex) [pdf, other] Real-time portable muography with Hankuk Atmospheric-muon Wide Landscaping : HAWL
5 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.00789 [pdf, ps, other] A note on identifying continuous gravitational wave emission signatures of magnetars in gamma-ray bursts
- arXiv:2403.00855 [pdf, other]
- The ArgusSpec Prototype: Autonomous Spectroscopic Follow-up of Flares Detected by Large Array Telescopes
- arXiv:2403.00926 [pdf, other] Test for Echo: X-ray Reflection Variability in the Seyfert-2 AGN NGC 4388
- arXiv:2403.00962 [pdf, ps, other] Astrometric Measurement of the Double-Star System WDS 09168-3407 B 1118
- arXiv:2403.00978 [pdf, other] A New Determination of the Millisecond Pulsar Gamma-Ray Luminosity Function and Implications for the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
- arXiv:2403.01084 [pdf, other] Dwarf pulses of ten pulsars detected by FAST
- arXiv:2403.01691 [pdf, other] How long will the quasar UV/optical flickering be damped?
- arXiv:2403.01941 [pdf, ps, other] Probing the emission mechanism and nature of the pulsating compact object in the X-ray binary SAX J1324.4-6200
- arXiv:2403.02066 [pdf, other] Multimessenger observations and the science enabled: Continuous waves and their progenitors, equation of state of dense matter
- arXiv:2403.02096 [pdf, other] Exploration of the polarization angle variability of the Crab Nebula with POLARBEAR and its application to the search for axion-like particles
- arXiv:2403.02222 [pdf, other] Neutron star cooling and mass distributions
4 March 2024
- arXiv:2403.00063 [pdf, ps, other] Abundances of Neutron-Capture Elements in 62 Stars in the Globular Cluster Messier 15
- arXiv:2403.00112 [pdf, other] Assessing light pollution in vast areas: zenith sky brightness maps of Catalonia
- arXiv:2403.00118 [pdf, other] Stellar Surface Magnetic Fields Impact Limb Darkening
- arXiv:2403.00761 [pdf, other] 21 Orbital analysis of stars in the nuclear stellar disc of the Milky Way
- arXiv:2403.00040 (cross-list from physics.hist-ph) [pdf, other] An improved calendar ring hole-count for the Antikythera mechanism
1 March 2024
- arXiv:2402.18644 [pdf, other] The frequency of metal-enrichment of cool helium-atmosphere white dwarfs using the DESI Early Data Release
- arXiv:2402.18657 [pdf, other] The Role of a Neutron Component in the Photospheric Emission of Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Burst Jets
- arXiv:2402.18691 [pdf, other] A light sail astrobiology precursor mission to Enceladus and Europa
- arXiv:2402.18696 [pdf, other] Exploring the distribution and impact of bosonic dark matter in neutron stars
- arXiv:2402.18794 [pdf, other] Resolved Near-infrared Stellar Photometry from the Magellan Telescope for 13 Nearby Galaxies: JAGB Method Distances
- arXiv:2402.19436 [pdf, other] A Model for Pair Production Limit Cycles in Pulsar Magnetospheres
- arXiv:2402.18601 (cross-list from physics.plasm-ph) [pdf, other] Analytic solutions for the linearized first-order magnetohydrodynamics and implications for causality and stability
- arXiv:2402.19343 (cross-list from nucl-th) [pdf, other] Infinite Order Hydrodynamics: an Analytical Example
29 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.17818 [pdf, other] scida: scalable analysis for scientific big data
- arXiv:2402.17823 [pdf, other] Breakdown of Hawking Evaporation opens new Mass Window for Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter Candidate
- arXiv:2402.18010 [pdf, other] How to coadd images: II. Anti-aliasing and PSF deconvolution
- arXiv:2402.18389 [pdf, other] Discovery of an extended Horizontal Branch in the Large Magellanic Cloud globular cluster NGC1835
- arXiv:2402.18538 [pdf, other] On the Age Calibration of Open Clusters using Red Clump Stars
- arXiv:2402.17820 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] An Axion Pulsarscope
28 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.16967 [pdf, other] Imaging Spectropolarimetry — A New Observing Mode on the Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys
27 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.16642 [pdf, other]
- Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS VI. Asteroseismology of the GW Vir-type central star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 246
- arXiv:2402.16526 [pdf, other]
- Discovery of magnetically guided metal accretion onto a polluted white dwarf
- arXiv:2402.15845 [pdf, ps, other]
- New stairways to the stars. Birth and evolution of two pioneering Usenet newsgroups in astrophysics (1983-1994)
- arXiv:2402.16083 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other]
- A comprehensive calculation of the Primakoff process and the solar axion flux
26 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.15229 [pdf, other] Systematic effects on a Compton polarimeter at the focus of an X-ray mirror
- arXiv:2402.15211 [pdf, other] Primordial Black Holes as a dark matter candidate — a brief overview
- arXiv:2402.15204 [pdf, other] How do wavelength correlations affect your transmission spectrum? Application of a new fast and flexible 2D Gaussian process framework to transiting exoplanet spectroscopy
- arXiv:2402.14990 [pdf, other] Binary origin of blue straggler stars in Galactic star clusters
- arXiv:2402.14960 [pdf, other] The Gaia white dwarf revolution
- arXiv:2402.14911 [pdf, other] Revisiting thermoelectric effects in the crust of neutron stars
23 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.14030 [pdf, other] On the initial spin period distribution of neutron star
- arXiv:2402.14442 [pdf, other] X-ray observations of Isolated Neutron Stars
- arXiv:2402.14085 (cross-list from nucl-th) [pdf, other] Upper Bound on the Speed of Sound in Nuclear Matter from Transport
- arXiv:2402.14733 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, ps, other] Constraining spherically symmetric metrics by the gap between photon rings
22 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.13396 [pdf, other] Hot Subdwarfs in Close Binaries Observed from Space III: Reflection Effect Asymmetry Induced by Relativistic Beaming
- arXiv:2402.14014 [pdf, other] JWST MIRI Imager Observations of Supernova SN 1987A
21 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.13190 [pdf, other] A novel image correction method for cloud-affected observations with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
- arXiv:2402.13015 [pdf, ps, other] Stellar flybies within 1 ly from the Sun and stars passing through the Hills cloud
- arXiv:2402.12965 [pdf, other] Magnetospheric Flows in X-ray Pulsars I: Instability at super-Eddington regime of accretion
- arXiv:2402.12596 [pdf, ps, other] The Radcliffe Wave is Oscillating
- arXiv:2402.12443 [pdf, other] Galactic Archaeology with Gaia
- arXiv:2402.12429 [pdf, other] On Binary Formation from Three Initially Unbound Bodies
- arXiv:2402.13044 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, ps, other] Conversion of Emitted Axionic Dark Matter to Photons for Non-Rotating Magnetized Neutron Stars
- arXiv:2402.12410 (cross-list from physics.hist-ph) [pdf, other] Making Sense of Gravitational Thermodynamics
20 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.10912 [pdf, other] Particle acceleration in pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae
- arXiv:2402.10969 [pdf, other] Reevaluating LSST’s Capability for Time Delay Measurements in Quasar Accretion Discs
- arXiv:2402.10996 [pdf, ps, other] A review of 70 years with astrometry
- arXiv:2402.11304 [pdf, other] What Powered the Kilonova-Like Emission After GRB 230307A in the Framework of a Neutron Star-White Dwarf Merger?
- arXiv:2402.11380 [pdf, other] Investigating the Hard State of MAXI J1820+070: A Comprehensive Bayesian Approach to Black Hole Spin and Accretion Properties
- arXiv:2402.11428 [pdf, other] Modelling The Radial Distribution of Pulsars in the Galaxy
- arXiv:2402.11474 [pdf, other] Radio polarisation of millisecond pulsars with multipolar magnetic fields
- arXiv:2402.12160 [pdf, other] Probing the nature of rotation in the Pleiades, Alpha Persei, and Hyades clusters
19 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.10868 [pdf, other] The broadening of universal relations at the birth and death of a neutron star
- arXiv:2402.10284 [pdf, other] The intermediate neutron capture process. V. The i-process in AGB stars with overshoot
16 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.09505 [pdf, other] 3C 273 Host Galaxy with Hubble Space Telescope Coronagraphy
- arXiv:2402.09509 [pdf, ps, other] SN 2022jli: The ultraluminous birth of a low-mass X-ray binary
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- arXiv:2402.09652 [pdf, other] Demonstration of nuclear gamma-ray polarimetry based on a multi-layer CdTe Compton Camera
- arXiv:2402.09684 [pdf, other] Identifying the hosts of binary black hole and neutron star-black hole mergers with next-generation gravitational-wave detectors
- arXiv:2402.09689 [pdf, other] Lense-Thirring Precession after a Supermassive Black Hole Disrupts a Star
- arXiv:2402.09779 [pdf, other] Probing the inner Galactic Halo with blue horizontal branch stars: Gaia DR3 based catalogue with atmospheric and stellar parameters
- arXiv:2402.09783 [pdf, other] Near-infrared spectroscopic characterisation of Gaia ultra-cool dwarf candidates; Spectral types and peculiarities
- arXiv:2402.09859 [pdf, ps, other] Neutron Stars constraints on a late G transition
- arXiv:2402.09869 [pdf, ps, other] Rotation of ZZ Ceti stars as seen by TESS
- arXiv:2402.09913 [pdf, other] Radio spectra of pulsars fitted with the spectral distribution function of the emission from their current sheet
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15 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.08705 [pdf, ps, other] Planetary Defense Use of the SPHEREx Solar System Object Catalog
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- arXiv:2402.08795 [pdf, other] Noble Gas Planetology and the Xenon Clouds of Uranus
- arXiv:2402.08835 [pdf, other] Fast Pulsars, Neutron Stars, and Astrophysical Strange Quark Matter Objects
- arXiv:2402.08843 [pdf, other] Variable stars in galactic globular Clusters I. The population of RR Lyrae stars
- arXiv:2402.09065 [pdf, other] The Thousand-Pulsar-Array programme on MeerKAT — XII. Discovery of long-term pulse profile evolution in 7 young pulsars
- arXiv:2402.09274 [pdf, other] Neutrino flavor transformation with moments: application to fast flavor instabilities in neutron star mergers
- arXiv:2402.09291 [pdf, other] Rapid spin changes around a magnetar fast radio burst
- arXiv:2402.09304 [pdf, other] A pulsar-like swing in the polarisation position angle of a nearby fast radio burst
- arXiv:2402.09399 [pdf, other] Chronology of our Galaxy from Gaia Colour-Magnitude Diagram-fitting (ChronoGal). I. The formation and evolution of the thin disk from the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars
14 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.07947 [pdf, other] Fundamentals of Stars: Critical Looks at Mass-Luminosity Relations and Beyond
- arXiv:2402.07979 [pdf, other] Cracking the relation between mass and 1P-star fraction of globular clusters: I. Present-day cluster masses as a first tool
- arXiv:2402.07983 [pdf, other] Cyclotron line formation in the radiative shock of an accreting magnetized neutron star
- arXiv:2402.07994 [pdf, other] Historical Fermi All-Sky Variability Analysis of Galactic Flares
- arXiv:2402.08158 [pdf, other] Coherent Imaging with Photonic Lanterns
- arXiv:2402.08163 [pdf, ps, other] A Search for Magnetized Quark Nuggets (MQNs), a Candidate for Dark Matter, Accumulating in Iron Ore
- arXiv:2402.08214 [pdf, ps, other] Neutron Star Mergers as the Dominant Contributor to the Production of Heavy r-Process Elements
- arXiv:2402.08237 [pdf, other] A multi-wavelength study of the hard and soft states of MAXI J1820+070 during its 2018 outburst
- arXiv:2402.08596 [pdf, other] An X-ray and radio view of the 2022 reactivation of the magnetar SGRJ1935+2154
- arXiv:2402.08623 [pdf, ps, other] GRB 231115A — a magnetar giant flare in the M82 galaxy
- arXiv:2402.08510 (cross-list from physics.ao-ph) [pdf, other] Clouds dissipate quickly during solar eclipses as the land surface cools
13 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.07623 (cross-list from hep-th) [pdf, ps, other] Fluctuation-dissipation relation in cosmic microwave background
- arXiv:2402.06722 [pdf, other] A 1.9M⊙ neutron star candidate in a 2-year orbit
- arXiv:2402.07228 [pdf, other] Recovering pulsar periodicity from time of arrival data by finding the shortest vector in a lattice
12 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.05988 [pdf, ps, other] Absence of Small Dust Cloud Particles Transiting the White Dwarf J0328-1219
- arXiv:2402.06393 [pdf, other] Stellar streams from black hole-rich star clusters
- arXiv:2402.05991 [pdf, other] Using JWST transits and occultations to determine ∼1% stellar radii and temperatures of low-mass stars
- arXiv:2402.06003 [pdf, other] Favorable conditions for heavy element nucleosynthesis in rotating proto-magnetar winds
- arXiv:2402.06474 [pdf, ps, other] New Interstellar Extinction Maps Based on Gaia and Other Sky Surveys
- arXiv:2402.06490 [pdf, other] Heavy element abundances in Galactic Globular Cluster
- arXiv:2402.06498 [pdf, ps, other] Signatures of Nuclear Isomers in Gamma-Ray Bursts from Binary Neutron Star Mergers
- arXiv:2402.06524 [pdf, ps, other] Isochrone fitting of Galactic globular clusters — V. NGC6397 and NGC6809 (M55)
- arXiv:2402.06540 [pdf, other] Polarization of circumstellar debris disk light echoes
9 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.05137 [pdf, other] LtU-ILI: An All-in-One Framework for Implicit Inference in Astrophysics and Cosmology
- arXiv:2402.05157 [pdf, other] Stellar halo density with LAMOST K and M giants
- arXiv:2402.05176 [pdf, other] cecilia: A Machine Learning-Based Pipeline for Measuring Metal Abundances of Helium-rich Polluted White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2402.05177 [pdf, other] The Frequency and Mass-Ratio Distribution of Binaries in Clusters II: radial segregation in the nearby dissolving open clusters Hyades and Praesepe
- arXiv:2402.05418 [pdf, other] The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XXXVII. Distant RR Lyrae Stars and the Milky Way Stellar Halo out to 300 kpc
- arXiv:2402.05622 [pdf, other] X-ray polarization from magnetar sources
- arXiv:2402.05647 [pdf, other] Upper limits on the radio pulses from magnetars and a central compact object with FAST
- arXiv:2402.05720 [pdf, other] Measurements of the Low-Acceleration Gravitational Anomaly from the Normalized Velocity Profile of Gaia Wide Binary Stars and Statistical Testing of Newtonian and Milgromian Theories
- arXiv:2402.05922 [pdf, other] Horizontal branch structure, age, and chemical composition for very metal-poor extragalactic globular clusters
- arXiv:2402.05316 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other] Birefringence tests of gravity with multi-messenger binaries
8 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.05056 [pdf, other] Measuring Neutron Star Radius with second and third generation Gravitational Wave Detector Networks
- arXiv:2402.04755 [pdf, other] Performance and first measurements of the MAGIC Stellar Intensity Interferometer
- arXiv:2402.04443 [pdf, other] J0526+5934: a peculiar ultra-short period double white dwarf
- arXiv:2402.04352 [pdf, other] Search for Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in TESS light curves of bright Fermi Blazars
- arXiv:2402.04331 [pdf, other]Spin evolution of neutron stars
- arXiv:2402.04830 (cross-list from cs.LG) [pdf, other] Closing the Gap Between SGP4 and High-Precision Propagation via Differentiable Programming
7 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.03423 [pdf, other] Do Red Galaxies Form More Stars Than Blue Galaxies?
- arXiv:2402.03490 [pdf, ps, other]
- The impact of breathing pulses during core-helium burning on the core chemical structure and pulsations of hydrogen-rich atmosphere white dwarfs
- arXiv:2402.03504 [pdf, other]
- The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program V. DOLPHOT Stellar Photometry for NIRCam and NIRISS
- arXiv:2402.03581 [pdf, other]
- Density discrepancy between transit-timing variations and radial velocity: Insights from the host star composition
- arXiv:2402.03593 [pdf, other]
- Do we Owe our Existence to Gravitational Waves?
- arXiv:2402.03639 [pdf, other]
- A Short Intense Dynamo at the Onset of Crystallization in White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2402.04172 [pdf, other]
- An overview of existing and new nuclear and astrophysical constraints on the equation of state of neutron-rich dense matter
- arXiv:2402.03426 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other]
- Primordial Black Holes from Axion Domain Wall Collapse
- arXiv:2402.03914 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other]
- Twin Stars in General Relativity and Extended Theories of Gravity
6 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.01947 [pdf, other] Fast and Slow Crystallization-driven Convection in White Dwarfs
- arXiv:2402.01948 [pdf, other] Quasi-universal relations in the context of future neutron star detections
- arXiv:2402.01971 [pdf, other] Octofitter: Fast, Flexible, and Accurate Orbit Modelling to Detect Exoplanets
- arXiv:2402.02013 [pdf, other] Simulating Lateral H/He Flame Propagation in Type I X-ray Bursts
- arXiv:2402.02504 [pdf, other] First detection of polarization in X-rays for PSR B0540-69 and its nebula
- arXiv:2402.02799 [pdf, other] X-ray studies of neutron stars and the equation of state
5 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.01522 [pdf, other] Double Red Giant Branch and Red Clump features of Galactic disc stellar populations with Gaia GSPspec
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- arXiv:2402.01486 [pdf, other] Eclipse timing study of new hierarchical triple star candidates in the Northern Continuous Viewing Zone of TESS
- arXiv:2402.01133 [pdf, other] Where do they come from? Identification of globular cluster escaped stars
2 February 2024
- arXiv:2402.00661 [pdf, ps, other] Resolving the Periods of the Asynchronous Polar 1RXS J083842.1−282723
- arXiv:2402.00497 [pdf, other] On the nature of apparent transient sources on the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey glass copy plates
- arXiv:2402.00844 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other] Kinematic reconstruction of torsion as dark energy in Friedmann cosmology
1 February 2024
- arXiv:2401.17677 [pdf, other] Exploring faint white dwarfs and the luminosity function with Subaru HSC and SDSS in Stripe 82
- arXiv:2401.17420 [pdf, other] Galaxy assembly revealed by globular clusters
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31 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.16783 [pdf, other] The Circular Polarization Reverse in Magnetar Bursts
- arXiv:2401.16758 [pdf, other] Similarity to earthquakes again: periodic radio pulses of the magnetar SGR 1935+2154 are accompanied by aftershocks like fast radio bursts
- arXiv:2401.16506 (cross-list from physics.hist-ph) [pdf, other] The physicists philosophy of physics
- And many eROSITA papers
30 Janaury 2024
- arXiv:2401.16253 [pdf, other] Astrophysical Equation-of-State Constraints on the Color-Superconducting Gap
- arXiv:2401.16239 [pdf, other] The polarization of the boundary layer around weakly magnetized neutron stars in X-ray binaries
- arXiv:2401.16148 [pdf, other] Exploring one giga electronvolt cosmic gamma rays with a Cherenkov plenoscope capable of recording atmospheric light fields, Part 1: Optics
- arXiv:2401.16142 [pdf, other] Stellar Evolution in Real Time II: R Hydrae and an Open-Source Grid of >3000 Seismic TP-AGB Models Computed with MESA
- arXiv:2401.16117 [pdf, other] The jet and resolved features of the central supermassive black hole of M 87 observed with EHT in 2017 — Comparison with the GMVA 86 GHz results
- arXiv:2401.15711 [pdf, other] 3D code for MAgneto-Thermal evolution in Isolated Neutron Stars, MATINS: thermal evolution and lightcurves
- arXiv:2401.15697 [pdf, ps, other] Flares from Space Debris in LSST Images
- arXiv:2401.15180 [pdf, other] Neutron star kick driven by asymmetric fast-neutrino flavor conversion
- arXiv:2401.15158 [pdf, other]
- Rotation plays a role in the generation of magnetic fields in single white dwarfs
- arXiv:2401.15153 [pdf, other]
- Can Isotopologues Be Used as Biosignature Gases in Exoplanet Atmospheres?
- arXiv:2401.15149 [pdf, other]
- ω Centauri: A MUSE discovery of a counter-rotating core
- arXiv:2401.15080 [pdf, other]
- A proposal to improve the accuracy of cosmological observables and address the Hubble tension problem
- arXiv:2401.16323 (cross-list from physics.hist-ph) [pdf, ps, other]
- Robustness and the Event Horizon Telescope: the case of the first image of M87*
29 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.14995 [pdf, other] A ThermalKinetic Inductance Detectors Pixel Design for Cosmic Microwave Background Observations at 90/150 GHz bands
- arXiv:2401.14930 [pdf, other] Neutron-star Measurements in the Multi-messenger Era
- arXiv:2401.14889 [pdf, other] The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program VI. Identifying Evolved Stars in Nearby Galaxies
- arXiv:2401.14775 [pdf, other] Effects of modified gravity on microscopic properties and cooling timescale of white dwarfs
- arXiv:2401.14755 [pdf, ps, other] Efficient trajectory design for distant planetary orbiters
- arXiv:2401.14692 [pdf, ps, other] Variable white dwarfs in TMTS: Asteroseismological analysis of a ZZ Ceti star, TMTS J17184064+2524314
- arXiv:2401.14475 [pdf, other] FLUID: A rocket-borne pathfinder instrument for high efficiency UV band selection imaging
- arXiv:2401.14450 [pdf, other] Self-interacting dark matter solves the final parsec problem of supermassive black hole mergers
- arXiv:2401.14454 (cross-list from hep-ex) [pdf, ps, other] The forest as a neutrino detector
26 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.13759 [pdf, other] Dark lens candidates from Gaia Data Release 3
- arXiv:2401.13916 [pdf, other] Scale-invariant Phenomena in Repeating Fast Radio Bursts and Glitching Pulsars
- arXiv:2401.13978 [pdf, ps, other] The ongoing spin-down episode of 4U 1626-67
- arXiv:2401.13993 [pdf, other] Universal relations for fundamental modes of rotating neutron stars with differential rotations
- arXiv:2401.14157 [pdf, other] From ultraluminous X-ray pulsar to supermassive neutron star
- arXiv:2401.14181 [pdf, other] Non-symmetrical sparking may hint “zits” on a pulsar surface
- arXiv:2401.14397 [pdf, other] Ultrashort-period WD binaries are not undergoing strong tidal heating
- arXiv:2401.11518 (cross-list from nlin.SI) [pdf, other] An asymmetrical body: example of analytical solution for the rotation matrix in elementary functions and Dzhanibekov effect
- arXiv:2401.14329 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, ps, other] Pulsar Timing Array source ensembles
25 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.13635 [pdf, other] Observations of scattered light from exoplanet atmospheres
- arXiv:2401.13347 [pdf, ps, other] Magnetic Penrose process in the magnetized Kerr spacetime
- arXiv:2401.13153 [pdf, other] JWST Directly Images Giant Planet Candidates Around Two Metal-Polluted White Dwarf Stars
- arXiv:2401.13071 [pdf, other] Probing supernovae and kicks in post-supernova binaries
- arXiv:2401.12991 (cross-list from math.NA) [pdf, other] Catenary and Mercator projection
24 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.12296 [pdf, other] Chemical signatures of planet engulfment events in Sun-like stars
- arXiv:2401.12297 [pdf, other] Strategies for optimal sky subtraction in the low surface brightness regime
- arXiv:2401.12300 [pdf, other] Stellar Populations With Optical Spectra: Deep Learning vs. Popular Spectrum Fitting Codes
- arXiv:2401.12311 [pdf, other] The R-Process Alliance: Detailed Composition of an R-Process Enhanced Star with UV and Optical Spectroscopy
- arXiv:2401.12373 [pdf, other] Multiwavelength pulsations and surface temperature distribution in the middle-aged pulsar B1055-52
- arXiv:2401.12426 [pdf, other] Pulse Jitter and Single-pulse Variability in Millisecond Pulsars
- arXiv:2401.12429 [pdf, other] A new route to massive hot subdwarfs: common envelope ejection from asymptotic giant branch stars
- arXiv:2401.12487 [pdf, other] Radio Emission from SN 1181 Hosting a White Dwarf Merger Product
- arXiv:2401.12684 [pdf, ps, other] Energy self-extraction of a Kerr black hole with the force-free magnetosphere frame-dragged
- arXiv:2401.12909 [pdf, other] Radio Pulse Profile Evolution of Magnetar Swift J1818.0-1607
- arXiv:2401.12964 [pdf, other] The Concerning SH0ES Hubble Constant
- arXiv:2401.12944 (cross-list from nucl-th) [pdf, other] Modern nuclear and astrophysical constraints of dense matter in a renormalized chiral approach
23 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.12206 [pdf, other] Cataclysmic Variables and the disc instability model in the Gaia DR3 colour-magnitude diagram
- arXiv:2401.12180 [pdf, other] AI can identify Solar System instability billions of years in advance
- arXiv:2401.11931 [pdf, other] A catalogue of low-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy: from the INTEGRAL to the Gaia era
- arXiv:2401.11304 [pdf, other] Tracing the evolution of short-period binaries with super-synchronous fast rotators
- arXiv:2401.12198 (cross-list from cs.CV) [pdf, other] LONEStar: The Lunar Flashlight Optical Navigation Experiment
- arXiv:2401.11710 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] The Bayes factor surface for searches for new physics
22 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.10296 [pdf, other] The Study of Mode Switching behavior of PSR J0614+2229 Using the Parkes Ultra-wideband Receiver Observations
- arXiv:2401.10401 [pdf, ps, other] Thermonuclear explosions as Type II supernovae
- arXiv:2401.10565 [pdf, other] Reflecting on naked singularities: iron line fitting as a probe of the cosmic censorship conjecture
- arXiv:2401.10609 [pdf, other] First Digit Distributions of Gamma-Ray Bursts
- arXiv:2401.10717 [pdf, ps, other] BSEC method for unveiling open clusters and its application to Gaia DR3: 83 new clusters
- arXiv:2401.10802 [pdf, other] Using GMM in Open Cluster Membership: An Insight
- arXiv:2401.10827 [pdf, ps, other] The TES-based Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector (CryoAC) of ATHENA X-IFU: a large area silicon microcalorimeter for background particles detection
- arXiv:2401.10668 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other] Physically viable rotating mass solutions surrounding Kerr black hole
- arXiv:2401.10680 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other] The PTA Hellings and Downs Correlation Unmasked by Symmetries
19 January 2024
- arXiv:2401.09523 [pdf, other] Could Sample Variance be Responsible for the Parity-Violating Signal Seen in the BOSS Galaxy Survey?
- arXiv:2401.09531 [pdf, other] High mass function ellipsoidal variables in the Gaia Focused Product Release: searching for black hole candidates in the binary zoo
- arXiv:2401.09535 [pdf, other] A Volume-Limited Sample of Ultracool Dwarfs. II. The Substellar Age and Mass Functions in the Solar Neighborhood
- arXiv:2401.09570 [pdf, ps, other] Expansion of accreting main-sequence stars during rapid mass transfer
- arXiv:2401.09635 [pdf, other] Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Abundance analysis of nearby red giants and red clump stars: combining high resolution spectroscopy and asteroseismology
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18 Janaury 2024
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17 January 2024
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15 January 2024
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12 January 2024
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11 January 2024
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10 January 2024
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9 January 2024
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8 January 2024
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5 January 2024
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4 January 2024
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3 January 2024
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2 January 2024
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1 January 2024
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29 December 2023
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27 December 2023
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25 December 2023
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22 December 2023
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21 December 2023
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20 December 2023
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19 December 2023
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18 December 2023
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15 December 2023
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14 December 2023
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13 December 2023
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12 December 2023
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11 December 2023
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8 December 2023
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6 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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1 December 2023
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30 November 2023
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29 November 2023
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28 November 2023
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27 November 2023
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23 November 2023
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16 March 2022
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15 March 2022
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14 March 2022
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11 March 2022
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10 March 2022
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9 March 2022
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8 March 2022
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7 March 2022
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4 March 2022
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3 March 2022
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2 March 2022
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1 March 2022
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28 February 2022
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25 February 2022
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24 Feburary 2022
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23 February 2022
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22 February 2022
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21 February 2022
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18 February 2022
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17 Febraury 2022
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16 February 2022
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15 February 2022
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14 February 2022
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11 February 2022
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10 February 2022
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9 February 2022
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8 February 2022
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7 February 2022
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4 February 2022
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3 February 2022
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2 February 2022
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1 February 2022
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31 January 2022
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28 January 2022
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27 January 2022
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26 January 2022
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25 January 2022
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24 January 2022
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21 January 2022
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20 January 2022
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19 January 2022
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17 January 2022
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14 January 2022
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13 January 2022
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12 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.04059 [pdf, other] Axion-photon multimessenger astronomy with giant flares
- arXiv:2201.04074 [pdf, other] The Evolution of the Orbital Light-curve of Hercules X-1 with 35-day Phase
- arXiv:2201.03985 [pdf, ps, other] Non-resonant relaxation of anisotropic globular clusters
- arXiv:2201.03796 [pdf, other] Ultrahigh-energy Gamma-Ray Radiation from the Crab Pulsar Wind Nebula
- arXiv:2201.03827 [pdf, ps, other] Formation of millisecond pulsars with long orbital periods by accretion-induced collapse of white-dwarfs
- arXiv:2201.03591 [pdf, ps, other] Limits on Primordial Black Holes from M87
- arXiv:2201.03602 [pdf, ps, other] Origin of young accreting neutron stars in high-mass X-ray binaries in supernova remnants
- arXiv:2201.03567 [pdf, other] Dark matter annihilation and the Galactic Centre Excess
- arXiv:2201.03571 [pdf, other] New constraints on the dark matter density profiles of dwarf galaxies from proper motions of globular cluster streams
- arXiv:2201.03589 [pdf, other] 4FGL J1120.0-2204: A Unique Gamma-ray Bright Neutron Star Binary with an Extremely Low Mass Proto-White Dwarf
- arXiv:2201.03576 [pdf, other] Systematic exploration of heavy element nucleosynthesis in protomagnetar outflows
- arXiv:2201.03579 [pdf, other] The combined and respective roles of imaging and stellar kinematics in identifying galaxy merger remnants
11 January 2022: INT Seminar
- arXiv:2111.11416 [pdf, ps, other] Anomalous plasma: chiral magnetic effect and all that
- arXiv:2110.11380 [pdf, ps, other] Chiral anomalous processes in magnetospheres of pulsars and black holes
11 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.03252 [pdf, other] Astrophysical Parameters from Gaia DR2, 2MASS & AllWISE
- arXiv:2201.03155 [pdf, other] The HaloSat and PolarLight CubeSat Missions for X-ray Astrophysics
- arXiv:2201.02684 [pdf, other] The Near Ultraviolet Transient Surveyor (NUTS): An ultraviolet telescope to observe variable sources
- arXiv:2201.02875 [pdf, other] Pulsar death line revisited — I. Almost vacuum gap
- arXiv:2201.02910 [pdf, other] The Absence of Periodicity in Repeating FRB
10 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.02546 [pdf, other] HST observations of the globular cluster NGC 6402 (M14) and its peculiar multiple populations
- arXiv:2201.02202 [pdf, other] Cosmology with one galaxy? Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Jupiter Ding, Shy Genel, Stephanie Tonnesen, Valentina La Torre, David N. Spergel, Romain Teyssier, Yin Li, Caroline Heneka, Pablo Lemos, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, Daisuke Nagai, Mark Vogelsberger
7 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.01881 [pdf, ps, other] Magnetic field sustained by the elastic force in neutron star crusts
- arXiv:2201.02188 [pdf, other] Eclipse Mapping of EXO 0748-676: Evidence for a Massive Neutron Star
6 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.01309 [pdf, other] A stellar stream remnant of a globular cluster below the metallicity floor
- arXiv:2201.01524 [pdf, other] The James Webb Space Telescope Aperture Masking Interferometer
- arXiv:2201.01765 [pdf, other] Phase-resolved spectroscopy of a quasi-periodic oscillation in the black hole X-ray binary GRS 1915+105 with NICER and NuSTAR
- arXiv:2201.01334 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] A Stable Sexaquark: Overview and Discovery Strategies
- arXiv:2201.01447 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, ps, other] Axions, Time Varying CP Violation, and Baryogenesis
5 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.00823 [pdf, other] Are the Newly-Discovered z∼13 Drop-out Sources Starburst Galaxies or Quasars?
- arXiv:2201.00829 [pdf, other] Towards RNA life on Early Earth: From atmospheric HCN to biomolecule production in warm little ponds
- arXiv:2201.00833 [pdf, ps, other] Astrometric excess noise in Gaia EDR3 and the search for X-ray binaries
- arXiv:2201.01135 [pdf, other] On the Sweet-Parker model for incompressible visco-resistive magnetic reconnection in two dimensions associated to ideal magnetohydrodynamic instabilities
4 January 2022
- arXiv:2201.00733 [pdf, other] Current Challenges in Cepheid Distance Calibrations Using Gaia EDR3
- arXiv:2201.00624 [pdf, other] Single-pulse studies of three millisecond pulsars
- ]arXiv:2201.00295 [pdf, ps, other] Radio Pulsar Sub-Populations (II) : The Mysterious RRATs
- arXiv:2201.00499 (cross-list from physics.plasm-ph) [pdf, ps, other] Quantum electrodynamic effects on counter-streaming instabilities in the whole \textbf{k} space
3 January 2022
- arXiv:2112.15247 [pdf, other] Investigating Galactic binary cluster candidates with Gaia EDR3
30 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.13864 [pdf, other] Constraints on the origins of hypervelocity stars: velocity distribution, mergers and star-formation history
- arXiv:2112.14069 [pdf, other] Application of the space-based optical interferometer towards measuring cosmological distances of quasars
- arXiv:2112.14086 [pdf, other] Many faces of accretion in gamma ray bursts
- arXiv:2112.14292 [pdf, other] Mitigating Satellite Trails: a Study of Residual Light after Masking
- arXiv:2112.14702 (cross-list from physics.ed-ph) [pdf, other] Boosting the public engagement with astronomy through arts
28 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.12835 [pdf, other] Practical limits on Nanosatellite Telescope Pointing: The Impact of Disturbances and Photon Noise
- arXiv:2112.12847 [pdf, other] The Extended Local Supercluster
- arXiv:2112.13531 [pdf, ps, other] Polarimetric studies of GRBs, AGN jets, and axion dark matter
- arXiv:2112.13703 [pdf, other] Evidence for Impact of Galaxy Mergers on Stellar Kinematics of Early-type Galaxies
- arXiv:2112.13820 [pdf, other] A test of spatial coincidence between CHIME FRBs and IceCube TeV energy neutrinos
- arXiv:2112.12599 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, ps, other] A Measurement of the Cosmic Expansion Within our Lifetime
24 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.12155 [pdf, ps, other] A Stringent Test of Magnetic Models of Stellar Evolution
- arXiv:2112.12222 [pdf, other] Effects of pebble accretion on the growth and composition of planetesimals in the inner Solar System
- arXiv:2112.12673 [pdf, other] Daylight Photometry of Bright Stars — Observations of Betelgeuse at Solar Conjunction
- arXiv:2112.12157 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] Dense and Hot QCD at Strong Coupling
23 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.11475 [pdf, other] Chaotic dynamics of wide triples induced by galactic tides: a novel channel for producing compact binaries, mergers, and collisions
- arXiv:2112.11544 [pdf, other] The Impact of Neutron Transfer Reactions on Heating and Cooling of Accreted Neutron Star Crusts
- arXiv:2112.11567 [pdf, other] Hubble distancing: Focusing on distance measurements in cosmology
- arXiv:2112.11704 [pdf, ps, other] Swift J1753.5-0127 : Understanding the accretion geometry through frequency resolved spectroscopy
- arXiv:2112.11943 [pdf, ps, other] Resolved Gaia Triples
- arXiv:2112.11999 [pdf, other] A rich population of free-floating planets in the Upper Scorpius young stellar association
22 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.10786 [pdf, other] Evolution of massive stellar triples and implications for compact object binary formation
- arXiv:2112.10831 [pdf, other] Probing the low-mass end of the companion mass function for O-type stars
- arXiv:2112.10824 [pdf, other] Constraining neutron star properties with a new equation of state insensitive approach
- arXiv:2112.10964 [pdf, other] On the Radiation Fields of Fast Radio Bursts Close to Sources
- arXiv:2112.11375 [pdf, other] A Significant Association Between CHIME Fast Radio Bursts and Low-Energy IceCube Neutrinos
21 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.09699 [pdf, other] Luminosity functions consistent with a pulsar-dominated Galactic Center Excess
- arXiv:2112.09701 [pdf, other] A Systematic Exploration of Kilonova Candidates from Neutron Star Mergers During the Third Gravitational Wave Observing Run
- arXiv:2112.09708 [pdf, other] Self-confinement of low-energy cosmic rays around supernova remnants
- arXiv:2112.09711 [pdf, other] Constraining the properties of dense neutron star cores: The case of the low-mass X-ray binary HETE J1900.1-2455
- arXiv:2112.09730 [pdf, ps, other] Binary neutron star mergers within kaon condensation: GW170817
- arXiv:2112.09773 [pdf, other] Electromagnetic signatures from supermassive binary black holes approaching merger
- arXiv:2112.09782 [pdf, other] Sudden discharge of young charged magnetars as a new model for FRBs
- arXiv:2112.09817 [pdf, other] Handing-Off the Outcome of Binary Neutron Star Mergers for Accurate and Long-Term Post-Merger Simulations
- arXiv:2112.09989 [pdf, other] On the Spectral Evolution of Hot White Dwarf Stars. II. Time-dependent Simulations of Element Transport in Evolving White Dwarfs with STELUM
- arXiv:2112.10185 [pdf] Gaia EDR3 data of post-AGB stars with overabundance of s-process elements and their evolutionary status and binarity
- arXiv:2112.10633 [pdf, other] Predictions for neutron stars from holographic nuclear matter
- arXiv:2112.09716 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] Solar mass black holes from neutron stars and bosonic dark matter
20 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.09284 (cross-list from hep-th) [pdf, other] Vacuum decay in the Lorentzian path integral
- arXiv:2112.09446 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, ps, other] Microscopic origin of Einstein’s field equations and the raison d’être for a positive cosmological constant
- arXiv:2112.09160 [pdf, other] Meteorites and the RNA world II: Synthesis of Nucleobases in Carbonaceous Planetesimals and the Role of Initial Volatile Content
- arXiv:2112.09242 [pdf, other] Pulsar Magnetosphere Dynamics
- arXiv:2112.09292 [pdf, other] The periodic origin of fast radio bursts
- arXiv:2112.09607 [pdf, other] Future radioisotope measurements to clarify the origin of deep-ocean 244Pu
- arXiv:2112.09656 [pdf, other] Evolution of fission-ignited supernova properties with uranium enrichment
- arXiv:2112.09555 [pdf, other] Relativistic Particle Transport and Acceleration in Structured Plasma Turbulence
- arXiv:2112.09156 [pdf, other] On the dynamical evolution of Cepheids in star clusters
17 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.08989 [pdf, other] Searching for new observational signatures of the dynamical evolution of star clusters
- arXiv:2112.08887 [pdf, other] Spectral analysis of cool white dwarfs accreting from planetary systems: from the UV to the optical
- arXiv:2112.08708 [pdf, other] Probing the Non-thermal Emission Geometry of AR Sco via Optical Phase-Resolved Polarimetry
- arXiv:2112.08599 [pdf, other] Central X-ray point-sources found to be abundant in low-mass, late-type galaxies predicted to contain an intermediate-mass black hole
- arXiv:2112.09111 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] Dark Matter interpretation of the neutron decay anomaly
- arXiv:2112.08987 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other] Filtered Baryogenesis
16 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.08251 [pdf, ps, other] Relativistic Magnetized Astrophysical Plasma Outflows in Black-Hole Microquasars
- arXiv:2112.08231 [pdf, other] Eclipse timing the Milky Way’s gravitational potential
- arXiv:2112.08064 [pdf, other] Principles of Gravitational-Wave Detection with Pulsar Timing Arrays
- arXiv:2112.08061 [pdf, other] Gyrochronological dating of the stellar moving group Group X
- arXiv:2112.07950 [pdf, other] Spheroidal force-free neutron star magnetospheres
- arXiv:2112.07857 [pdf, other] Observational Signatures of Tearing Instability in the Current Sheet of a Solar Flare
- arXiv:2112.08354 (cross-list from hep-th) [pdf, other] Vortexes in Black Holes
15 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.07644 [pdf, other] INTEGRAL Results on Gamma-Ray Bursts and Polarization of Hard X-ray Sources
- arXiv:2112.07023 [pdf, other] The Fast Radio Burst-emitting magnetar SGR 1935+2154 — proper motion and variability from long-term Hubble Space Telescope monitoring
- arXiv:2112.07017 [pdf, other] Filamentation of Fast Radio Bursts in magnetar winds
- arXiv:2112.06992 [pdf, other] Second generation star formation in globular clusters of different masses
- arXiv:2112.06968 [pdf, other] Astrophysical Distance Scale IV. Preliminary Zero-Point Calibration of the JAGB Method in the HST/WFC3-IR Broad J-Band (F110W) Filter
10-14 December 2021
- arXiv:2112.04555 [pdf, other] Searches for Modulated γ-Ray Precursors to Compact Binary Mergers in Fermi-GBM Data
- arXiv:2112.04689 [pdf, other] Stellar mass segregation as separating classifier between globular clusters and ultra-faint dwarf galaxies
- arXiv:2112.04822 [pdf, ps, other] Abinitio thermodynamics of one-component plasma for astrophysics of white dwarfs and neutron stars
- arXiv:2112.05012 [pdf, other] Planet-planet scattering in presence of a companion star
- arXiv:2112.05212 [pdf, other] A Census of Above-Horizontal-Branch Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters
- arXiv:2112.05234 [pdf] An Imaging Search for Post-Main-Sequence Planets of Sirius B
- arXiv:2112.05573 [pdf, other] On the link between nuclear star cluster and globular cluster system mass, nucleation fraction and environment
- arXiv:2112.05610 [pdf, other] Disentangling the formation mechanisms of nuclear star clusters
- arXiv:2112.06795 [pdf, other] Strong-field Gravity Tests with the Double Pulsar
- arXiv:2112.06951 [pdf, other] Impacts of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Sub-Chandrasekhar-Mass White Dwarf Detonations
9 December 2021
- 2112.03933 [pdf, other] Spinning black holes magnetically connected to a Keplerian disk — Magnetosphere, reconnection sheet, particle acceleration and coronal heating
- 2112.03938 [pdf, other] Anisotropic magnetized white dwarfs: Unifying under- and over-luminous peculiar and standard type Ia supernovae
- 2112.03940 [pdf, other] Estimating the ages of open star clusters from properties of their extended tidal tails
- 2112.03990 [pdf, other] Locating Red Supergiants in the Galaxy NGC 6822
- 2112.04010 [pdf, other] A New Classification Model for the ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars
- 2112.04318 [pdf, other] Luminosities and masses of single Galactic Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (Post-AGB) stars with distances from Gaia EDR3: the revelation of an s-process diversity
8 December 2021
- 2112.03313 [pdf, other] Rotating neutron stars without light cylinders
- 2112.03401 [pdf, other] Probing magnetar emission mechanisms with spectropolarimetry
- 2112.03501 [pdf, ps, other] Painting Asteroids for Planetary Defense
- 2112.03306 [pdf, other] Searching for Anomalies in the ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars
7 December 2021
- 2112.03189 [pdf, other] Masses of White Dwarf Binary Companions to Type Ia Supernovae Measured from Runaway Velocities
- 2112.02943 [pdf, ps, other] Pre-explosive accretion and simmering phases of Type Ia Supernovae
- 2112.02914 [pdf, other] No Pulsar Companion Around the Nearest Low Mass White Dwarf
- 2112.02837 [pdf, other] A significant detection of X-ray Polarization in Sco X-1 with PolarLight and constraints on the corona geometry
- 2112.02460 [pdf, ps, other] Magnetars as Laboratories for Strong Field QED
- 2112.02794 [pdf, other] The Spin of New Black Hole Candidate: MAXI J1803-298 Observed by NuSTAR and NICER
6 December 2021
- 2112.02050 [pdf, other] The physics governing the upper truncation mass of the globular cluster mass function
- 2112.01888 [pdf, other] Unveiling the nature of SgrA* with the geodesic motion of S-stars
- 2112.01761 [pdf, other] Comprehensive power spectral density analysis of the Fermi-LAT γ-ray light curves of selected blazars
- 2112.01670 [pdf, other] Wave-optical effects in the microlensing of continuous gravitational waves by star clusters
3 December 2021
- r-process Nucleosynthesis and Kilonovae from Hypermassive Neutron Star Remnants: 2112.00772
- Unbound Close Stellar Encounters in the Solar Neighborhood: 2112.00852
- Mode changing in J1909−3744: the most precisely timed pulsar: 2112.00897
- Non-analytic behavior of the relativistic r-modes in slowly rotating neutron stars: 2112.01171
- The Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): Pre-Launch: 2112.01269
2 December 2021
- Mercury as the relic of Earth and Venus’ outward migration: 2112.00044
- ULX Pulsar: 2112.00339
- The Peculiar Behavior of Burst Oscillations in the Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsar XTE J1814-338: 2112.00612
- Physics of radio emission in the long-period pulsars: 2112.00640
1 December 2021
- Science with the Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX): 2111.15608
- A New Carbon Fusion Rate: 2111.15224
- A 70s spin-period isolated WD: 2111.14902
- MyOpenMath for Astronomy: 2111.15604
30 November 2021
- IXPE Calibration: 2111.14511
- Testing GR with X-rays from BH: :2111.13918
29 November 2021
- X-ray/Optical QPOs from MAXI J1820: 2111.13642
- X-ray reflection models for X-ray pulsars: 2111.12838
- Gallium masses and X-ray bursts: 2111.12788
25 November 2021
- Disintegrating Exoplanets: 2111.12688
- TES Crosstalk: 2111.12445
- WD accretion doesn’t stop: 2111.12152
- Aql X-1 X-ray bursts with NICER: 2111.12105
- Dark energy as Quantum Vacuum Energy (Stephen Adler!): 2111.12576
23 November 2021
- Pulsar Polarization Arrays : 2111.10615
- The Theory of Efficient Particle Acceleration at Shocks: 2111.10629
- Evolution of random initial magnetic fields in stably stratified and barotropic stars: 2111.10673
- Highly sensitive search for magnetic fields in white dwarfs using broad-band circular polarimetry: 2111.11174
- Arecibo observations of a burst storm from FRB 20121102A in 2016: 2111.11282
22 November 2021
- M87 EHT: 2111.09889
- Type Ia from Double Degenerates: 2111.09890
- Smart CCD readout: 2111.09905
- omega Cen Ultracool Dwarfs: 2111.10063
- double white dwarf binary: 2111.10069
- NS EoS: 2111.10260
19 November 2021
- Theoretical Distributions of Short-Lived Radionuclides for Star Formation in Molecular Clouds: 2111.09781
- VLA proper motion constraints on the origin, age, and potential magnetar future of PSR J1734−3333 2111.09788
18 November 2021
- Faint objects in motion: the new frontier of high precision astrometry: 2111.08709
- Secular chaos in white-dwarf planetary systems: 2111.08716
- Detection of a ∼100,000 M⊙ black hole in M31’s most massive globular cluster: A tidally stripped nucleus: 2111.08720
- Stellar proper motions in the outskirts of classical dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Gaia EDR3 : 2111.08737
- Planets or asteroids? A geochemical method to constrain the masses of White Dwarf pollutants: 2111.08779
- Reaching Diverse Groups in Long-Term Astronomy Public Engagement Efforts 2111.08783
- Thermal and nonthermal emission in the optical-UV spectrum of PSR B0950+08 2111.08801
- On the nature of the X-ray pulsar XTE J1859+083 and its broadband properties 2111.08997
- The updated BaSTI stellar evolution models and isochrones. III. White Dwarfs 2111.09285
- New results on orbital resonances 2111.09289
- Stability criterion for white dwarfs in Palatini f(R) gravity 2111.08029
17 November 2021
- UV Spectropolarimetry of the ISM: 2111.08079
- Alternatives to Lambda: 2111.08086
- Vacuum Energy Density Measured from Cosmological Data: 2111.08151
- axion wiggles in photon spectra 2111.08303
- Inspection of 19 globular cluster candidates in the Galactic bulge with the VVV survey: 2111.08317
- Analytic model of the spectral properties of gravitational waves from neutron star merger remnants 2111.08353
- MKIDs in Astro: 2111.08576
- MKIDs in X-rays for Holmes: 1509.05237
- AXP spectral modeling: 2111.08584
16 November 2021
- Micro-X: 2111.06952
- Drifting subpulses: 2111.07053
- Lobster eye: 2111.07787
- Axions and XDINS: 2111.07955
15 November 2021
- Pebbles to Planets: 2111.06406
- CR propagation: 2111.06419
- VLBI Observations of Sagittarius A* 2111.06423
- BH binaries with Gaia 2111.06427
- PolStar UV Polarimetry: 2111.06434
- Black hole in LMC cluster NGC 1850 2111.06506
- FRB mechanism: 2111.06571
- Glitches: 2111.06835
- Axions and Fe-57: 2111.06407
12 November 2021
- Magnetar nucleosynthesis: 2111.05863
- Cosmic rays and pulsars: 2111.05864
- SQUIDS in space: 2111.06313
- Merging triples: 2111.06388
- Mass loss in mergers: 1710.02533
11 November 2021
- QCD Axion Clumps: 2111.05785
- TULIPS: 2111.05346
- QCD and NSs: 2111.05350
10 November 2021
- Shock acceleration: 2111.04759
- Accreting NS: 2111.04764
- Nearby NS: 2111.04791
- LAMOST DR5 WDs: 2111.04939
- TTVs: 2111.05220
- Pulsar Radiation: 2111.05262
- Open clusters: 2111.05291
9 November 2021
- Resonances in NS-BH mergers: 2111.03686
- Reconnection in BH magnetosphers: 2111.03689
- Looking for Planet 9: 2111.03831
- Charge Injection Device: 2111.03974
- Neutrinos from magnetars: 2111.04121
- Gaia completeness: 2111.04127
- Pleiad delta-Scutis: 2111.04203
- Plasmoids from pulsars: 2111.04337
- Nuclear Pasta: 2111.04374
- Gamma-ray flares from blazars: 2111.04379
- MWD+He* -> Ia: 2111.04496
- GR MHD NS-BH for seconds: 2111.04621
- Axion kinetic misalignment: 2111.03677
- Can we decipher the composition of an NS? 2111.04520
8 November 2021
- Stellar collisions https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03119
- Polluted WDs: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03124
- AGBs in Open clusters: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111:03537
- Two cosmological dipoles in tension: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03616
- A super light QCD axion: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03149
- Holographic NS crusts: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03374
- CP-even ALPs: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03653
5 November 2021
- Highly magnetized white dwarfs: implications and current status 2110.15374
- Some Thoughts on the Convective Urca Process. 2111.00132
- Faraday rotation in fast radio bursts2111.00281
- Electromagnetic neutrino: The basic processes and astrophysical probes 2111.00469
- Radio and X-ray observations of giant pulses from XTE J1810-197 2111.01641
- On the Origin of Pulsar and Magnetar Magnetic Fields 2111.01814
- Hunting for open clusters in Gaia EDR3: 664 new open clusters found with OCfinder. 2111.01819
- Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia EDR3 stars brighter than G=18.5 2111.01860
- A deep ensemble approach to X-ray polarimetry 2111.03047