Our JWST proposal (on ADS) to look for brown dwarfs and planetary disks was chosen for Cycle 1! Learn about our motivation for the proposal (1702.00091) and (1903.06769).
Carbon Stars as Standard Candles
Our second paper on carbon stars as standard candles has just been accepted (10.1093/mnras/staa3750). Check it out!
Here is the first paper too (10.1093/mnras/staa1346).
We Just Made the JWST Proposal Deadline

Our group led on four JWST proposals and contributed to another two to study objects from the size of Jupiter to entire galaxies, from a few kiloparsecs to nearly 100 Megaparsecs. We were working right up to the deadline!
X-ray Polarisation from X-ray Pulsars
We have just published two new papers on the X-ray polarisation from accreting X-ray pulsars: (10.1093/mnras/staa3428) and (10.1093/mnras/staa3429). These are the first new models in nearly forty years!
A Large Fraction of Intermediate Mass Stars Become Magnetic White Dwarfs
About ten to twenty percent of white dwarfs are strongly magnetized, and the origin of the magnetic field is a mystery. We have taken a big step toward solving this mystery with the discovery that more than half of stars with initial masses between five and seven times that of the Sun form magnetic white dwarfs through single-star evolution. This is the first evidence that neither mergers or mass transfer are needed to build the strong fields on white dwarfs. Check out our ApJ paper (10.3847/2041-8213/abb5f7)!
Denis Gonzalez Awarded CITA National Fellowship
Denis has been chosen for a CITA National Fellowship to work at UBC from 2020 to 2022. Congratulations Denis!

Ilaria Caiazzo Sucessfully Defends Her Thesis

Ilaria defended her thesis on QED and X-ray polarization from neutron stars and black holes. She’s off to Caltech as a Burke Fellow. Congratulations Ilaria!
Discovery of a Superlative White Dwarf
It’s magnetic! It’s massive! It’s covered in helium! It may have a companion, and it was born from a single massive star! Check out the super white dwarf of Messier 47 in our ApJ paper (10.3847/1538-4357/ab2874)!